GEOL Undergraduate Upper-Divison Courses
GEOL Undergraduate Upper-Divison Courses
Texture, mineralogy, and chemical composition of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Rock classification, interpretation of origin and history of rocks. Emphasis on hand specimens and field determination. Field work and two weekend field trips. Req. GEOL 1010.
- 4 Credits
Promotes an interest in and an appreciation of the geologic aspects of our National Parks. The student will be given fundamental background in the geological processes which have worked to evolve the spectacular or unique scenery found in the National Parks. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World.
- 4 Credits
Collection, identification, classification, and uses of fossils in paleoecology, evolution, and biostratigraphy. Prer., GEOL 1020 or one year of biology or consent of instructor.
- 4 Credits
The impact of volcanic activity on people, infrastructure, and natural resources. Exploring how and where volcanic activity occurs on Earth with an emphasis on Colorado and New Mexico volcanoes. Volcano monitoring and hazard assessment. Field trip required, transportation fee charged.
- 4 Credits
Interaction of society with geologic processes and associated hazards. Examines the use of earth resources and the problems related to resource development. Field trips to local sites. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World
- 4 Credits
Occurrence, movement and properties of subsurface water; introduction to groundwater geology and hydrology. Prer., GEOL 1010, GES 1010 or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1040.
- 4 Credits
An introductory course in basic geologic field methods. Topics will include the use of Brunton (or other geologic) compasses, GPS and aerial/satellite photographs, protocols for collecting geologic samples, documenting field data, and the construction of geologic maps, cross-sections, and stratigraphic profiles. Coreq., GEOL 3120. Additional field work required. Meets with GEOL 5110.
- 3 Credits
Study of the principles of sedimentation and stratigraphy. Principles are used to interpret the tectonic history of sedimentary basins. Field trips and projects are required. Prer., GEOL 1010, GEOL 1020.
- 4 Credits
Introduction to glaciology and periglacial geology and their influence on topography, crustal rebound, and sea level; and glacial chronology for northern North America. A study of cold-climate geomorphic and climatic processes. Prer., GEOL 1010 or GES 1010. Meets with GEOL 5360.
- 4 Credits
Systematic study of rock weathering, mass-wasting, fluvial, glacial, and aeolian processes and the landforms resulting from these processes. Climatic geomorphology, geomorphometry, and data collection technologies such as LiDAR, are emphasized. Field trips required. Prer., GEOL 1010 or GES 1010 or consent of instructor. Meets with GEOL 5630, GES 4310 and GES 5310.
- 4 Credits
Field based inquiry of geologic features in and around Colorado. Emphasis of course is to enhance understanding of the geologic and tectonic evolution of the western U.S. and its paleontological resources. Course fee required (varies). Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World.
- 0.5 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)