Current Student Resources

Three Year Course Plan

GES/GEOL three-year course plan. See who is teaching which courses and when. Plan runs through Fall 2027. 
Note: There is no guarantee that these courses will run at that time or be taught by the instructors listed.

Three Year Course Plan PDF

GES Course Tutoring Schedule

Spring 2025 GES Tutoring
Cherre Wirth will tutor GES 3030 (Intro. to GIS); GES 3060 (Intro. to Remote Sensing); and GES 4080 (Advanced GIS) Wednesdays 9:00 - 10:30 am in Columbine Hall, rm. 331.

Aaron Riley will tutor GES 3030 (Intro. to GIS); GES 1010 (Our Dynamic Planet: Landforms and Water); and GES 1000 (Our Dynamic Planet: Climate and Vegetation) Thursdays 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Columbine Hall, rm 331.

Internship Opportunities

The UCCS Office of Sustainability has partnered with GES to develop semester-long service project internships. This internship provides an opportunity for students to earn college credit for performing work within the Office of Sustainability. This position requires a minimum of 3 hours per week to be spent working within the office throughout the semester per 1 college credit (e.g., nine hours per week for three credits).

The intern will work with members of the Office of Sustainability to determine work duties and learning objectives. In addition to working within the office under those guidelines, the student will also need to meet educational requirements set forth by the GES Department.


Scholarships for GES Students

The Dane Vogel Scholarship

The Dane Vogel Memorial Scholarship is available to declared Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) majors at the sophomore or higher level. This is a merit-based award; students must have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.3 for all courses taken at UCCS. November 15 submission deadline.

The Jacquelyn Beyer Fellowship

A minimum value of $500.00 scholarship is available for women geography majors and/or folks interested in women's or lesbian studies. The scholarship is available each fall and spring semester and can be used for undergraduate or graduate work. November 15 and April 15 submission deadlines.

Student Clubs - Open to Everyone

Geology Club

President: Gretchen Hoffman

Meets: Tuesdays, 5-6 pm, Centennial Hall, rm. 115

Spring 2025 meeting dates March 12, April 16th, April 30.

Meteorology Club

President: Cole Druelinger

Meets: Thursdays, 5-6 pm, Columbine Hall, rm. 329.

Spring 2025 meeting dates: Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 17.

GIS Club



Spring 2025 meeting dates TBD


President: Peter Harrison


Spring 2025 meeting dates: Tues., Feb. 25, 4:30 pm (location TBD)