Graduate Theses
Chambers, Tim
Elusive Racism: Exploring the History and Policy Dynamics of Racial Residential Segregation in Baltimore, Maryland through Spatial Analysis (1900-1940 & 1990-2020)
Advisor: Emily Skop
Williams, Kayla
Towards Energy Democracy and Justice: A Case Study of Renewable Energy Transitions in Pueblo, Colorado
Advisors: Dylan Harris and Emily Skop
Cassiano, Bryce
Hadrosaurid Fossils Discovered in Wahweap Formation, Utah
Advisors: Christine Biermann, Marie Hoerner
Routt, Austin
An Investigation of Intra-Annual Flow Rates of a Rock Glacier in the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Hoyt, JC
Educational Inequalities in El Paso County, Colorado: A Critical Sports Studies Perspective
Advisor: Rebecca Theobald
Buchheit, Joseph
Developing a Habitat Model for Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in Colorado Using GIS: Where Should New Nesting Platforms Be Built for The Expanded Gross Reservoir?
Advisor: David Havlick
Burkhart, Tom
An Interdisciplinary Approach for Introducing Cutthroat Trout to A Post-Wildfire Damaged Stream
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Rodriguez, Natalie
Consequences of Conservation-Induced Displacement: A Case Study with Batwa Participants in Southwest Uganda
Advisor: David Havlick
Zito, Katharina
A Story of Drought: A Mixed Method Approach to Analyzing Impacts on Tree Growth in the Colorado Front Range
Advisor: Christine Biermann
Cleland, Zach
Towards a Better Understanding of Human Caused Wildfire in Colorado with Spatial Data Mining
Advisor: Diep Dao
Joyal, Ashley
A Study of Local Media Portrayal of Undocumented Latino Immigration in Us Immigrant Gateways
Advisor: Emily Skop
Liller, Dwayne
The Impact of Competitive Congressional Districts on Compactness and Political Subdivision Splits in Colorado
Advisor: Rebecca Theobald
Maez, Eric
Evaluation of Current Flood Control Practices and Alternatives within the Fountain Creek Watershed, Colorado
Advisor: David Havlick
Pietkoski, Kaleb
Military and PFAS: The Privilege to Pollute
Advisor: David Havlick
Wright, Travis
Correlation Analysis between Gentrification and Crime in Denver, Colorado from 1990-2015
Advisor: Diep Dao
Tews, Alyssa
GIS Prediction Modeling for Grey Wolves in Colorado, USA
Advisor: Steve Jennings
Ballard, Ryan
Chinese Settlements in Denver County, Colorado, Using Real Property Ownerships from 1980 to 2018
Co-Advisors: Emily Skop / Diep Dao
Greenleaf, Melissa
Transnational Mexican Foodscapes in Colorado Springs
Advisor: Emily Skop
Swan, Thaddeus
Examination of the Owens Cache in Southeastern Colorado
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Cassiday, Arielle
Challenges of Water Accessibility in Mega-Cities: A Study from Lima, Peru
Advisor: Emily Skop
Courtney, Brent
A simple risk terrain model for burglary in Colorado Springs
Advisor: John Harner
Handsome, Amarra
On the Move: The Residential Mobility of Single, Never-Married Women with College Degrees in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Advisor: Emily Skop
Valles, Ivan
Geography of Nitrate and Sulfate Atmospheric Wet Deposition in the Southern Rocky Mountains
Advisor: Curtis Holder
Blais, Nicole
Evaluating the Influence of Irrigation on Groundwater in Northern Big Horn County
Advisor: Curtis Holder, Curtis
Gronewold, Rebecca
Using Human Ecology Mapping (HEM) to Explore Gender Differences in Land Use Patterns and Values in Browns Canyon National Monument (BCNM), Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
Advisor: John Harner
Madsen, Michael
On Landsurface Change Detection using Lidar Datasets of Different Spatial Resolutions : A Case Study Examining Colorado's Waldo Canyon Fire Burn Scar
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Martell, Angela
Whose Conservation? How Land Trusts Negotiate the Relationship Between Conservation Easement Acquisition Decisions and Growth and Development Interests.
Advisor: David Havlick
Ruiz, Troy
The Future of Our National Parks: How Do Millennials Feel about America’s Greatest Idea?
Advisor: David Havlick
Wright, Kate
Deforestation Narratives and Forest Use Realities of the Anjozorobe-Angavo Forest Corridor Protected Area, Central Madagascar
Advisor: Cerian Gibbes
Cordova, Anna
Scientific Colonialism in Indigenous Spaces: A Case Study in Hawaii
Advisor: Emily Skop
Morken, Adriana
The Role of Refugee Social Networks to Navigate Transportation in Colorado Springs
Advisor: Emily Skop
Norris, Wyatt
Exploring the environmental factors influencing movements of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in North America Master's 2016-09-20
Advisor: Somayeh Dodge
Stuart, Tyler
Effects of Snowpack on Avian Abundance and Species Richness in Sierra Nevada Forests
Advisor: David Havlick
Thomas, Shannon
Differences in Rainfall Interception Losses for Three Tree Species Common to Colorado: Populus tremuloides, Picea engelmannii, and Pinus ponderosa
Advisor: Curtis Holder
Cook, Justin
A Tale of Thirty Cities: Effects of the Great Recession on Fertility in the United States
Advisor: Emily Skop
Knaus, Dustin
Temporal Risk Terrain Modeling of Aggravated Assaults in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Advisor: John Harner
Santa Cruz, Sara
The UCCS Greenhouse and Farm: Reconnecting People, Place, and Food
Advisor: David Havlick
Tredway, Jeremy
Exploring The Potential Impact of Low Impact Development (LID) Techniques on Runoff and Streamflow in the Templeton Gap Watershed
Advisor: David Havlick
Benton, Shiloh
Alan Savory's Holistic Planned Grazing--Past, Present, Future
Advisor: Tom Huber
Hendrickson, Josh
An Exploration of Community Gardens and Denver Gentrification
Advisor: John Harner
Sturgis, David
Evaluating User Experience of Situational Awareness Technology in Wildfire Response
Advisor: Paddington Hodza
Bellizio, Bret
Wildlife Population Estimation Utilizing Satellite Imagery
Advisor: Cerian Gibbes
Best, Brian
Taco Trucks vs. Trendy Trucks: Inequality and the Geography of Mobile Food Vendors in Austin, Texas
Advisor: Emily Skop
Hassler, Andrea
Restoration in the Hayman Burn Area: A Multi-Modal Analysis of the Integration of Social and Ecological Values and Land Cover Change in a Post-Fire Restoration Case Study
Advisor: David Havlick
Pittman, Kari M.
Between Rock Art and Graffiti: Identifying Culture Change and Ethnic Interactions in the Borderlands of Southeastern Colorado using a Customized Geospatial Typology
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Siebert, Nate
Agents of Gentrification: Police Surveillance in the Mile-High City
Advisor: John Harner
Walke, Peter
Understanding Traditional Neighborhood Marketing: A Case Study of the Patty Jewett Neighborhood
Advisor: John Harner
John, Matthew
Sehnsucht as a Construct for Understanding Attachments to Beautiful, Natural Places
Advisor: David Havlick
Martin, Sarah
Sustainability Actions and Values: the Colorado Outdoor Education Center Case
Advisor: Tom Huber
Muhlestein, Geoffrey
An Evaluation of a GIS Based Procedure for Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation over the Piru Creek Basin
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Winters, Scott
Spatial modeling of residential water use in Colorado Springs between 2000 and 2009
Advisor: Paddington Hodza
Davis, John
Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) Nesting Sites: Snag Availability in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala
Advisor: Curt Holder
Gilford, Kevin
Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education: A Case Study Aligning STARS with the Values of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Advisor: John Harner
Hollamby, Ryan
The Massenerhebung Effect: Exploring Treeline Elevation Differences between the Pikes Peak Massif and the Elk Mountain Range, Colorado, USA
Advisor: Brandon Vogt
Housey, Melissa
Reducing Gap Failures in Hazard Mitigation Using State Environmental Policy Acts: The California Environmental Quality Act Approach
Advisor: David Havlick
Wooley, David
Remote Sensing Measurement of Green Vegetation Change Using the NDVI and Tasseled Cap Greenness Indices in the Department of Chiquimula, Guatemala, 1992-2005
Advisor: Curt Holder
Benz, Bradley
Growth Trends of Ex-Rural Colorado and a Ranchette Case Study of La Plata County
Advisor: John Harner
Delano, Sara
Comparative Analysis of Soil Water Repellency Due to Vegetation Effects
Advisor: Curt Holder
Dukes, Andy
A GIS Analysis of Crime Hotspots and Demographics in Colorado Springs
Advisor: Paddington Hodza
Fields, Jason
Developing a Web Application for Crime Mapping to Promote Community Empowerment
Advisor: John Harner
Hagerman, Doug
Sequence of Flooding of Urban Neighborhoods as Rainstorm Size Increases
Advisor: Tom Huber
Hesse, Mark
A Plan for Managing Multiday Visitation and Camping in South Colony Lake Basin, Sangre de Cristo Wilderness
Advisor: Tom Huber
Lynn, Sheree
Effects of River Diversions on Macro Invertebrate Populations
Advisor: Steve Jennings
More Information About
The purpose of the BA in GES is to provide students with an understanding of the discipline of geography. This includes courses in physical, human, and cultural geography, as well methods courses that provide exposure to the various tools and techniques of geographic research.
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