GEOL Graduate Courses

GEOL Graduate Courses

Same as GEOL 4030 with additional work required.

  • 4 Credits

Same as GEOL 4360 with additional work required. Prer., GEOL 1010, GES 1010, GEOL 4630 preferred. Meets with GEOL 4360.

  • 4 Credits

Systematic study of rock weathering, mass-wasting, fluvial, glacial, and aeolian processes and the landforms resulting from these processes. Climatic geomorphology, geomorphometry, and data collection technologies (e.g., lidar) are emphasized. Field trips required. Prer., GES 1010 or GEOL 1010 or consent instructor. Meets with GEOL 4630, GES 4310, GES 5310.

  • 4 Credits

A field trip to an area of special geologic interest which can occur during the winter, spring, or summer. Meets with GEOL 4660.

  • 0.5 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

Intensive literature review and field investigations leading to a recognition of the engineering and construction problems associated with natural hazards and earth materials such as mass movement, dam location, highway development, and building construction. Basic courses in physics, mathematics, and geology recommended. Will require additional field work. Meets with GEOL 4910.

  • 4 Credits

Masters Thesis. Instructor Consent Required.

  • 1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)

Independent work for undergraduates. By special arrangement with faculty. Only for students presenting strong geology preparation. Prer., Instructor Consent Required.

  • 1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

Independent work for graduate students. By special arrangement with faculty only. Prer., Instructor Consent Required.

  • 1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)

Candidate for Degree

  • 0 Credits (Minimum) 0 Credits (Maximum)