Columbine Hall, rm. 2033
Areas of Interest
- Nature-Society Relations
- Climate Change
- Political Ecology
- Storytelling
- Environmental / Climate Justice
- Cultural Geography
- Experimental Research Methods
- Critical Physical Geography
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental Philosophy
- Critical Theory
- PhD, Geography, Clark University, 2020
- MSc, Geography: Environment & Development, The London School of Economics, 2014
- BA, Political Science & Religious Studies, The University of Southern Mississippi, 2012
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Environmental Studies & Sustainability (GES 1500)
- World Regional Geography (GES 1980)
- Nature & Society (GES 3500)
- Global Climate & Environmental Change (GES 4700)
- Energy (GES 4700)
Selected Publications
- Harris, D. M. and J. Mullenite 2024. Ruins and Ruination in Political Ecology – An Introduction to the Special Issue. Capitalism Nature Socialism. https://doi.org/10.1080/10455752.2024.2309628.
- Baker, R. and D. M. Harris. 2024. Socioecological Topologies of Student Debt in the United States. Human Geography. https://doi.org/10.1177/1942778623121444.
- Harris, D. M. 2023. Millions Owe Trillions: Pathways for Geographic Research on the Student Debt Crisis in the U.S. ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies. https://acme- journal.org/index.php/acme/article/view/2276.
- Harris, D.M. 2023. Understanding and Knowing Climate Change: Teaching Climate Science, Justice, and Storytelling. The Geography Teacher. https://doi.org/10.1080/19338341.2023.2262488.
- Harris D. M. & McCarthy, J. 2023. A Just Transition to What, for Whom, and by What Means? Transition Technology, Carbon Markets, and an Appalachian Coal Mine. Energy Research and Social Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103307.
- Harris, D.M. and D. Santos. 2023. A Case for Speculative and Experimental Political Ecologies. Submitted to the Journal of Political Ecology. https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.5589.
- Harris, D. M. 2023. Storytelling, Crisis, and Meaning-Making: Stories as a Terrain of Cultural and Political Struggle. cultural geographies.
- Harris, D. M. (2022) Intervention – Geographies of Student Debt: A Call for Research and Action. Antipode Online. https://antipodeonline.org/2022/07/25/geographies-of-student-debt/.
- Harris, D.M. 2022. Climate Storytelling. EBSCO Pathways to Research – Sustainability. https://www.pathways2research.com/pts/Climate%20Storytelling.
- Harris, D.M. 2022. Energy Justice. EBSCO Pathways to Research – Sustainability. https://www.pathways2research.com/pts/Energy%20Justice.
- Harris, D.M. 2022. The Trouble with Modeling the Human into the Future Climate. GeoHumanities. https://doi.org/10.1080/2373566X.2022.2043764.
- Moulton, A., S. Velednitsky, D. M. Harris, C. B. Cook., and B. Wheeler. 2021. Unsettling Political Ecology: Toward More Honest Dialogues on the Legacies of Trauma in Political Ecology. Journal of Political Ecology. 28: 1, 677-695. https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.3051.
- Harris, D. M. 2021. Realizing Where I Should Be: Notes on Reflexivity and Positionality in Fieldwork. The Geographical Bulletin. https://www.gammathetaupsilon.org/the-geographical-bulletin/2020s/volume62-2/A/article6.pdf
- Harris, D. M. 2021. Storying Climate Change: Notes on Experimental Political Ecology. Geoforum. 126, 331-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.08.011.
- Pettibone, L. and D. M. Harris. 2021. Kollaboratives Utopisieren für ein klimaneutrales 2030. Ökologisches Wirschaften. https://doi.org/10.14512/OEW360324.
- Harris, D. M. & McCarthy, J. 2020. Revisiting Power and Powerlessness: Speculating West Virginia’s Energy Future and the Externalities of the Socioecologial Fix. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848620935751.
- Harris, D. M. 2020. Expanding Climate Futures: Using Science Fiction’s Worldbuilding to Imagine a Climate-Changed Southwestern U.S. Otherwise. Literary Geographies. 6:1, 59-76.
- Harris, D. M. 2019. Telling stories about climate change. The Professional Geographer. https://doi.org/10.1080/00330124.2019.1686996.
- Harris, D. M. 2017. Telling the Story of Climate Change: Geologic Imagination, Praxis, and Policy. Energy Research and Social Science. 31, 179-183.
- Harris, D. M. 2017. Mountain-Bodies, Experiential Wisdom: The Kallawaya Cosmovisíon and Climate Change Adaptation. Third World Thematics. 2: 2-3, 376-390.
Honors and Awards
- University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Green Action Fund Research Seed Grant, 2022
- University of Colorado Colorado Springs Office of Research, Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) Seed Grant, 2021
- National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award (Award# 1853036), 2019
- The Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation, Environmental Leadership Fellowship, 2018
- Edna Bailey Sussman Fund, Environmental Fellowship 2018
- Pruser Dissertation Enhancement Award (Clark University), 2017
- Denis E. Cosgrove Research Grant (Cultural Geography Specialty Group of the AAG), 2016
- Albert, Norma and Howard Geller ’77 Endowed Research Award (George Perkins Marsh Institute, Clark University), 2016
- Wallace Atwood Fellowship (Clark University Graduate School of Geography), 2015
- Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship, 2013
Volunteer and Service
- Social Sciences Symposium Series (S4) Committee
- Green Action Fund (GAF) Faculty Advisor
- Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW) (Grant Reviewer)
- FAC Assembly - Social Science Representative
- FRC Advisory Committee
- Campus Sustainability Committee