Faculty James Baginski, PhD Associate Teaching Professor 719-255-4057 jbaginsk@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2039 Christine Biermann, PhD Associate Professor 719-255-3790 cbierman@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2019 Eric Billmeyer, MA Teaching Professor 719-255-8102 ebillmey@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2041 Diep Dao, PhD Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director 719-255-4025 tdao@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2035 Cerian Gibbes, PhD Professor 719-255-3534 cgibbes@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2017 John Harner, PhD Professor of Geography 719-255-4054 jharner@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2013 Dylan M. Harris, PhD Assistant Professor dharri14@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2033 David Havlick, PhD Professor 719-255-4906 dhavlick@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2015 Curtis D. Holder, PhD Professor 719-255-4097 cholder@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2031 Mike Larkin, MA Teaching Professor 719-255-5994 mlarkin@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2043 Jennifer McLeod, PhD Assistant Teaching Professor jmcleod@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2020Â Emily Skop, PhD Professor 719-255-3789 eskop@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2021 Brandon Vogt, PhD Associate Professor and Chair 719-255-5146 bvogt@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2011 Fuzhen Yin, PhD Assistant Professor fyin@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2022
James Baginski, PhD Associate Teaching Professor 719-255-4057 jbaginsk@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2039
Diep Dao, PhD Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director 719-255-4025 tdao@uccs.edu Columbine Hall, rm. 2035