Research & Initiatives
Geography & Environmental Research Labs
The research interests of the UCCS Department of Geography & Environmental Studies (GES) cover a wide range of environmental topics, including hydrology, geomorphology, geospatial technology, and dendrochronology, and aim to provide insight into environmental processes to inform management and planning decisions.
Faculty Research
We encourage students to see what type of research our faculty are conducting. This information can be found on faculty members’ curriculum vitae (CV) which are linked from their profile pages.
Department Research Labs
Forest Hydrology Research Lab
Lab Director: Dr. Curt Holder
The Forest Hydrology Research Lab investigates the influence of vegetation characteristics in rainfall interception processes. Current research projects examine the extent to which leaf hydrophobicity and leaf biomechanical properties influence canopy storage capacity in common species of the semi-arid Western United States and two sites in Guatemala. Data collected in the lab increases our understanding of ecohydrological processes to inform the planning and management of vegetation cover in watersheds contributing as raw water source regions for municipalities.
For more information contact Curt Holder: cholder@uccs.edu.
Geomorphology Research Lab
Lab Director: Dr. Brandon Vogt
Geomorphology seeks to understand processes that create and change land surfaces. As an interdisciplinary science, geomorphology examines the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, and anthrosphere.
Research tools include:
- Leica-Geosystems ScanStation C10 3D terrestrial laser scanner (TLS)
- CST / Berger 205 electronic total station
- Ingram-Ward compact combination thin section saw/grinder
- Federal snow sampler (2 m)
- Two Davis Wind Speed and Direction Smart Sensors / HOBO Micro Station Data Loggers
- 17 Onset HOBO V2 temperature data loggers (TidbiTs)
- Six Onset RS1 Solar Radiation Shields
- DJI Mavic Pro Platinum drone
- Software environments:
- ArcGIS Pro
- Leica Cyclone V 2020
For more information contact Brandon Vogt: bvogt@uccs.edu.
Geospatial Technology Lab
Lab Director: Matt Gottfried
Several computer facilities at the university and within GES are well-equipped with technologies critical for the analysis and presentation of geospatial data.
Lab Focus:
- Computer cartography
- Geographic information systems
- Remote sensing software and products
PCs are outfitted with ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop. Additional access to Esri’s ArcGIS Online and Enterprise GIS systems available upon request.
The laboratories also provide access to Idrisi TerrSet, Microsoft Office, and Statistical and Data visualization software’s such as R, RStudio, SPSS, etc.
For more information contact Matthew Gottfried: mgottfri@uccs.edu
Tree Ring Lab
Lab Director: Christine Biermann
The UCCS Tree Ring Laboratory is a research unit within GES. Housed in Columbine Hall, the lab uses dendrochronology, or the study of annual growth rings in trees, as a method to investigate issues of climate change, forest dynamics, fire history, and human-environment interactions.
For more information contact Christine Biermann: cbierman@uccs.edu.