Following are two different sets of volcanic hazard preparedness tips. The first is specific to Mount Rainier and the other is general for all volcano areas. Together they make up the perfect list of preparedness tips.
From The Big Fact Book About Mount Rainier
Always keep your car gassed up, and always park with your car facing out (so you don't have to waste time backing out if you get a couple minutes warning that a mudflow is coming).
Keep an emergency blanket, a supply of air filter masks, a spare air filter for your car, and a couple of gallons of water in an accessible location.
Know every possible way to get to the highest hills around. Learn back ways to get to high places. Freeways will be jammed and freeways are in valleys, and that's where the mudflow will go.
When you're anywhere around the mountain, always have a working car radio or portable radio turned on.
If you hear a mudflow is coming, don't waste time packing, get the family out immediately and head for high ground.